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The Fundamentals of Travel Writing



“If you want to be a travel writer, this is what you need to know. Does it work? YES!” – Jen Stevens Host Jody Mayberry and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen, introduce us to Jen Stevens, Executive Editor at International Living and architect of The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program. Jen Stevens tells us how it all started… “Working at International Living, I spent a lot of time working with writers who were not professionals. We were working with expats to get their expertise and experiences and to get them to share their stories about what it was like to live in the places we were featuring.” Jen spent a lot of time working with these expats and writing and rewriting the stories she received. Then an idea struck her… “I thought, it’s not that hard to write a good article. If these people understood the fundamentals, they could write these articles on their own.” International Living and Great Escape Publishing teamed up and asked Jen to architect The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program to share the f