

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry, and Director, Lori Allen, continue the series of introductions to the varying types of people who are attracted to travel writing and Great Escape Publishing. This week they introduce us to Mary Lou Osmond. Originally from Connecticut, Mary Lou met her Australian husband skiing in Vail one winter, moved down under with him and they began a business together as the owners of a precious gemstone mine. Their business took them all over the world—selling gemstones along the way.  Mary Lou loved to travel with her husband. She would always write about their travels in letters and e-mails to keep in touch with friends. After Mary Lou’s husband died unexpectedly, she needed a new start. Traveling wasn’t the same without him. Her desire to find a new purpose in her travels led her to Great Escape Publishing. “Having been a writer for so long sharing my stories with friends, I decided to give the