Great Escape Radio: Travel Writing | Photography | Publishing | Writing

Travel Writing as a Bridge to Photography



Great Escape Radio Episode 88: Lift the curtain “A traveler without observation is a bird without wings.” ― Moslih Eddin Saadi Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry, and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen, introduce us to Great Escape member, Ken Staeck, another attendee from this year’s Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in D.C. Ken shares what led him to the DC event… “Photography is my first love. Growing up my dad, my brother and I always had cameras. Our dad even had a dark room in the house. I was looking for a way to use travel writing as a bridge to photography.” Ken found information on Great Escape’s travel writing programs through Facebook. “The information talked about photography along with travel writing. I knew I could take photos but I was a little concerned about the writing. But, I do some writing in my work, so I thought I’d give it a try.” Ken was able to sandwich the Ultimate Travel Writing Workshop in Washington DC between two business trips. Now he feels that he has the tools t