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What 100 Travel Writers See as Exciting Trends



"I am so excited, our success stories today are so much bigger and better than they've ever been in the past!" - Lori Allen To sign up for Great Escape Publishing’s free eletter, The Right Way to Travel, visit: Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen discuss Lori's latest challenge to herself - calling 100 people. Inspired by Shenee Howard's 100 People Project, Lori has embarked on a challenge to call 100 people. She's reaching out to Great Escape Publishing experts, success stories, beginners, people who've inspired her on Facebook and people she's traveled with. "After hearing Shenee Howard speak at Pioneer Nation, I thought this would be a great project for me," says Lori. "I want to find out what is working for the people I reach out to, what isn't working, what their successes are and what they struggle with." Lori's about halfway through her project and loving it. "It's been a real eye-opening experience for