Great Escape Radio: Travel Writing | Photography | Publishing | Writing

Finding Great Stories Close to Home



Great Escape Radio Episode #42: Starting local “Mom, you love to travel and you’re the queen of questions, I think you should be a travel writer.” For more information on how you can get started with travel writing, visit: Great Escape Publishing Radio host, Jody Maberry, talks with travel writer, Connie Pearson on starting local. Travel writing is actually Connie’s fourth career. She was a piano performance major, music teacher, missionary in Ecuador and now, a travel writer. Connie’s son is actually the one who inspired her to get started; he saw an article about travel writing and shared it with her. Being naturally curious, Connie did a little research and discovered Great Escape Publishing. “I signed up for the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in Denver, Colorado, hopped on a plane and made the leap.” Since attending the workshop, Connie has had 65 published articles in 13 different publications—the sky is the limit and she has all kinds of plans for th