Great Escape Radio: Travel Writing | Photography | Publishing | Writing

Introduction to Travel Photography



GEP Podcast #6 “There’s winning and there’s learning, but there is no losing.” For more about how you can get started with photography today, visit: Great Escape Radio Episode 6: Introduction to travel photography When you’re first getting started with photography, it’s important to remember this theme: “There’s winning and there’s learning, but there is no losing.” At Great Escape Publishing’s photography workshops, Director Lori Allen notes that beginner photographers often become discouraged when presented with the fabulous photos taken by the professional instructors. But they shouldn’t. The only way to become a great photographer is to take pictures. You don’t lose when you take a bad photo – you learn. And while the journey from beginner to expert photographer may be a long one –that’s part of what makes it fun. And Great Escape Publishing likes to focus on the fun in their workshops and programs. In fact, most of their pro instructors didn’t start as car