Handbag Marinara: The Food, Fashion, And Fun Of Friends

TOW the Ross and Rachel Relationship Recap



S04 E21 - TOW the Invitation — It’s a clip show! We’re going to look back on Ross and Rachel’s relationship — and the cocktails that got us through it! — How do writers write clip shows? — Elizabeth’s drinking the Mockolate Martini: https://www.handbagmarinara.com/blog/mockolate-martini — Heather’s drinking the Closure: https://www.handbagmarinara.com/blog/closure — Chandler and Joey’s plan to “do something big” reminds us that we’re all creating a ripple effect, even if we don’t do anything “huge” with our lives — Is Die Hard a Christmas movie? We think so! — Emily’s completely supportive of Ross inviting who he wants. Go Emily! — Aviation cocktail: https://www.handbagmarinara.com/blog/2018/6/24/s01-e01-the-pilot-aka-the-one-where-monica-gets-a-roommate?rq=pilot — Blackout cocktail: https://www.handbagmarinara.com/blog/2018/6/25/s01-e07-tow-the-blackout — Black Forest Martini: https://www.handbagmarinara.com/blog/2018/6/25/s01-e05-tow-the-east-german-laundry-detergent — The Fiery Shemptini: https://www.h