Handbag Marinara: The Food, Fashion, And Fun Of Friends

TOW Rachel Isn't Handling It Well



S04 E20 - TOW All the Wedding Dresses Signature Beverage: Wedding Cake-tini http://handbagmarinara.com/blog/wedding-cake-tini — Blowing a raspberry is a mental palate cleanser, but it can be off-putting to bystanders — Joey’s suddenly snoring — Elizabeth’s contingency plan if Joe starts snoring, inspired by “The Crown” — Joey wears several Hawaiian shirts throughout the series, but this one is definitely his most “dad-ish” — Rachel does chores exactly how Elizabeth does: procrastinate as long as possible, then start working as soon as someone’s coming down the hallway — Rachel needs NAMI **Donate to our NAMI fundraiser! https://donate.nami.org/fundraiser/2700356 **And if you need mental health support, head to https://nami.org/Home or text “NAMI” to 741741 if you’re crisis** — The proper “spelling” of a raspberry (according to Elizabeth) is “PPPLLLGGGHHH!!!” — How weddings can be built around the style of wedding dress — Let’s examine (and speculate wildly about the reasons behind) the divorce rate in the U.S