Handbag Marinara: The Food, Fashion, And Fun Of Friends

TOW Phoebe Eats Meat and Joshua Meets Everyone



S04 E16 - TOW the Fake Party Signature Beverage: Nutty Cheerleader: Cherry-Almond Margarita http://handbagmarinara.com/blog/nutty-cheerleader 00:06:41 — Nauseated vs. Nauseous, aka Street Smarts vs. Formal Education 00:09:06 — The joy of a shower beer 00:14:37 — Being REALLY skeptical of the new people your BFF dates 00:18:50 — Have you ever altered your likes or personality because of a love interest? (aka Have you ever Runaway Bride-ed?) 00:30:00 — Are we the only ones who are disappointed with Rachel’s behavior in this episode?? 00:34:18 — Who knew that tying a cherry stem with your tongue would be a tie-in to Ginger with the Wooden Leg?? 00:38:58 — How does Phoebe know to be so … “excited” about the potentially footy meats Joey is putting on his sandwich? 00:43:08 — Why can’t Rachel just be honest with Joshua about her crush? **Donate to our NAMI fundraiser! https://donate.nami.org/fundraiser/2700356 00:46:15 — We’ve never played Spin the Bottle, or any other kissing games for that matter 00:49:35 — We ca