Handbag Marinara: The Food, Fashion, And Fun Of Friends

TOW a Pinch of Partying, a Dash of Sabotage, and a Dollop of Job-Hopping



S04 E09 - TOW They’re Going to Party Signature Beverage: Cilantro Larry’s Bloody Mary http://handbagmarinara.com/blog/cilantro-larrys-bloody-mary 00:02:00 — Two great finds at Costco! 00:11:35  — How does such a small newspaper have the budget to send Monica and five friends out to dinner every week? 00:14:47 — Do you double-dip your peanut butter spoon? 00:17:53 — Reminiscing about the Topsy Tail 00:19:34 — Memories of The Rosie O’Donnell Show 00:34:43 — Alessandro’s cooking skills have nothing to do with his being from Lebanon 00:36:29 — Let’s take a culinary trip to Lebanon! 00:44:00 — Would you accept a promotion if it meant working with a terrible, toxic person? 00:53:11 — When you’re the only one in the group who’s tired but you force yourself to hang 00:55:29 — Heather does NOT like taking baths (aka stewing in her own filth) 00:58:05 — The Official Breakdown of Ross’s Age Donate to our NAMI fundraiser! https://donate.nami.org/handbagmarinara Info and resources for mental health amidst the COVID-19 pa