Handbag Marinara: The Food, Fashion, And Fun Of Friends

TOW Christina Pickles, Pickle Juice, and a Pickle of a Situation



S04E03 - TOW the Cuffs Signature Beverage: Geller Gherkin http://handbagmarinara.com/blog/geller-gherkin 00:02:08 — Heather explains our inexplicably savory cocktail for this week 00:13:07 — Joey’s uncharacteristically clever way of describing the “activity” level in Chandler’s bedroom 00:13:54 — Chandler’s jeopardizing Rachel’s career … just to get laid 00:18:11 — Joey scraping off gum into a mug … would YOU use that mug again? 00:20:12 — Super outdated plot line: selling ENCYCLOPEDIAS DOOR-TO-DOOR 00:23:10 — Elizabeth explains the meaning of the flashback references to “unconstitutional,” “Nobel Prize,” and “Algonquin Kids Table” 00:39:10 — Why is Chandler answering Joanna’s work phone? 00:40:55 — This whole “Chandler stuck in handcuffs” plot line is pretty thin… 00:43:00 — Walkman to Discman to iPod to iPhone: A History 00:48:15 — Two Monica’s Corner moments from Penn, featuring text-pointing and page-turning 00:57:52 — “The Legend of Milton Berle’s Supposedly Giant D**k” https://melmagazine.com/en-us/sto