Handbag Marinara: The Food, Fashion, And Fun Of Friends

TOW Joey Gets Joeyed and a Dollhouse Gets Fired



Signature beverage: Tootsie Roll-OJ-Bev 80-pack of Tootsie Pops on Amazon 01:46 -- Elizabeth’s inadvertently sexy way of eating Tootsie Roll Pops and Hershey Kisses 09:22 -- Pete isn’t mentioned at all in this episode; did he and Monica break up last week or not? 11:46 -- Kraft Parmesan — apprehension about whether or not it’s actually cheese, and some fond memories of covering our pizza with it 12:48 -- Newman’s Own Mushroom Trio pizza 14:44 -- Why do we have to suddenly be sorry when terrible people die? 19:12 -- What is a Rolodex? Joe Boxer 22:12 -- THANKSgiving vs. ThanksGIVing — how do you say it? 27:25 -- QVC is helping Elizabeth’s fashion vocabulary! 33:50 -- Not fans of the Joey/Kate storyline, but we’ll cover it because it’s there 36:00 -- Teeny tiny porno magazines 37:08 -- Dollhouse at the NYC pop-up 40:39 -- Heather won’t say “bitch,” so Elizabeth is screwed when it comes to getting a wholesome job 43:42 -- Satin pillowcases — worth it? 44:53 -- A note about our alcohol consumption 46:45 -- A repe