Handbag Marinara: The Food, Fashion, And Fun Of Friends

TOW Cringey Gender Stereotyping and Almost-Statutory Rape



It's TOW the Hypnosis Tape, and we're drinking CinnaMind Erasers! We dive into some deep topics, inspired by the not-so-benign content of this episode: Chandler's effeminate behaviors after listening to the hypnosis tape: Do they reinforce gender stereotypes? Or is it innocent fun? And why does his subconscious think that is what being a "strong, confident woman" looks like? Frank Jr. marrying his high school teacher: Is it a case of "love is love," or predatory behavior, a la the Mary Kay Letourneau case, which was at its height when this episode originally aired? Pete using money to impress Monica: Is it charming or creepy? Would she have gone out with him if he wasn't a millionaire? Phoebe stepping in to try to stop the relationship: Is it sisterly protection, or is she out of line? When is it okay to give your friends/family your opinion? We draw from our own experiences, talk Jennifer Aniston's new AppleTV+ show, "The Morning Show," and more! More at: http://handbagmarinara.com/blog/s03-e18-tow-the-hyp