Handbag Marinara: The Food, Fashion, And Fun Of Friends

TOW Cursed Carbs and a Diplomatic Double Date



This week, we talk about TOW Ross and Rachel Take a Break, and Heather drinks a flavor-packed Fiery Shemptini in honor of Ross acting like a Shemp and setting fire to Rachel's work desk. While Ross and Rachel reach a literal breaking point, Monica and Phoebe date diplomats, and Chandler and Joey unsuccessfully try to land the hot Xerox girl, Chloe. We also discuss globe-shaped pencil sharpeners, and pitch a new segment: "What the Hell is Monica Wearing"? More at: http://handbagmarinara.com/blog/s03-e15-tow-ross-and-rachel-take-a-break Save the gorillas! Donate to The Ellen Fund today -- and tell them Handbag Marinara sent you!