State Shifters

SSP 022: Josh Collins – Spiritual Growth While In A Romantic Relationships



“To love is to recognize yourself in another.” ― Eckhart Tolle In this episode, I had Josh Collins in town for our first in-person discussion. We decided to discuss the topic of relationships since Josh had just recently re-entered one. Relationships are the ultimate opportunity to grow spiritually and through awareness comes the possibility of seeing challenges as opportunities to grow.  We cover a number of different topics around being in a romantic relationship with openness and understanding. Loving unconditional is something that must be cultivated within. When we have unconditional love for our self, we create an energy that allows our partner to feel free to be completely who they are.    Why self-love is the critical component of any relationship Letting go of "roles" in relationships  The Importance of understanding love languages The difference between conditional and unconditional love Using relationships as opportunities for personal growth How to manage dysfunctional relationships Why spending