State Shifters

SSP 019: Steve Clemens – Finding Connection Through Disconnection, Life Lessons Learnt Through Self-Sustained Living



“When you stop existing, and you start truly living, each moment of the day comes alive with wonder and synchronicity.” - Steve Maraboli I have to say, the quote above resonates with me and exemplifies the coincidence that resulted in the guest that I welcome to session 19 of the State Shifters Podcast. A couple of long stories short, my girlfriend Amanda books a weekend away 4 hours north of Toronto in a town called Nippising. The night before our departure we booked one the last accommodations left on Airbnb for the weekend, the title was, “OFF-GRID, TINY HOUSE, BY WATERFALL” below are some images of the cabin we stayed in. Since I left my corporate job and started living a life true to my heart and saying yes to the things that felt good I’m amazed at the people that have appeared in my life. Called them coincidence, synchronicity, or chance encounters but there was no denying the beauty of this one. Steve inspired me through his ability to take purposeful action in the direction his heart wanted him to go