State Shifters

SSP 017: Rebecca Lester – Travelling On A Budget, Energy Medicine, And The Healing Journey



In this episode, I welcome my colleague and good friend Rebecca Lester on to the podcast. Rebecca and I crossed paths while working together at Soul 7 – Mindful Healing Technologies here in Toronto. I have learnt so much while working with her and in this episode, you will get a taste of some of the wisdom Rebecca has acquired along her journey of energy healing, travelling, sustainable living and frequency therapy. The world of energy healing is something that I have opened up to since moving to Toronto and while working at Soul7. It requires an immense amount of inner awareness to notice the subtle shifts in energy that go on all around us. Bec is incredibly tuned into herself and makes her decisions in life based on her ability to notice energetic shifts from within. I believe this is a vital skill to develop, something that I am still working on, that can guide you in the direction the universe/god/spirit/awareness is calling you to go.   In this episode we discuss: How Rebecca’s interest in spirituality