Welcome To My Bedroom Closet (laurel Anne Hill)

Reaching for Rainbows, Part 3 of 3 (by Laurel Anne Hill)



Welcome to my bedroom closet!  All three episodes of my award-winning short story, "Reaching for Rainbows," now may be found on my podcast site (http://www.laurelannehill.libsyn.com).  Each episode is approximately 9 - 10 minutes long.  "Reaching for Rainbows" is the story of a ten-year-old girl coping with homelessness, a school assignment about Martin Luther King and the narrow line between reality and imagination.  No need to wait for Martin Luther King Day to listen to "Reaching for Rainbows." For more information about my compelling fiction and nonfiction, including my award-winning novel, "Heroes Arise," please visit my website at http://www.laurelannehill.com. Warm wishes, Laurel Anne Hill