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Confused About What it Means to Give Value on Social Media



WE hear it over and over again - you’ve got to give value. What does that mean, really? Show Notes: Here is what it is NOT - it is not about sharing nothing but facts, figures and how tos!   We all know how to lose weight, basically.   Eat less and move more. There is no shortage online of recipes, menus, fad diets, workouts, shredded abs in 15 days and so on.   Value comes best through shared experiences.   Common themes and ideas.   Struggles and successes.   Being part of the tribe.   Do you know who your tribe is? Do you know what their struggles and fears are? What keeps them awake at night? Do you speak that to them over and over in your content? So they know you see them. You know them. You get them. You can help them. Want to learn how to identify your tribe and write powerfully and strategically to them? Providing more value than you can imagine… Join me at and take the free 3 day challeng