

I often hear - oh, I don’t need a coach, I can figure this out. Really? then why haven’t you? Today I’m going to share how a coach changed my business, and how it might change yours. Show Notes: If you’ve heard my story, you may remember -   I’ll never be written up in the Network Marketing Hall of Fame as a Fast Starter.   I could not get out of my own way; could not see past my own blind spots.   We all have them, even you!   Here’s what I know:   You don’t need more How To - maybe a little tweaking but you know what to do We do 4 basic things - meet people, share what we do, ask them to try, work with us, or refer, and follow up If you just take the time to build your impact intro, as I teach in the KCF, and SSWA, you can open any conversation and gain interest, without annoying people When you also take the time to put systems in place, you don’t let people fall between the cracks And, if it were all this simple, every network mark