

I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by Show Notes: I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who hasn’t dealt with imposter syndrome at one time or another.   That feeling like you really aren’t as good as others; not up to par; that you are somehow a fraud.   I have felt it numerous times, even after I became a million dollar earner in network marketing.   Before speaking on stage; when submitting a proposal for a speaking spot; when asked to be interviewed on a podcast, and even launching my academy.   The funny thing is - there is nothing I teach in my academy that can’t be duplicated and that I have not used and monetized. NOTHING.   I have all of the boxes checked to have earned my success.   But, you know what I don’t have? A college degree, and I have allowed that to keep me playing small in my mind too many times. Long ago, I made a decision that my income would always be tie