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[SSW417] Are Spammy Direct Messages Killing Network Marketing



You’ve probably seen them, maybe even sent them, and they may be killing network marketing and furthering the low opinion some have of our profession. I’m talking about those spammy DMs and the system being taught by some “leaders” in our profession. Show Notes: I help Network Marketers, coaches and mentors make money, without annoying their family, friends or strangers, and build a thriving social selling business.   One of the tools I use to help struggling social sellers is my Killer Content Formula. where I take you from being unnoticed, unheard and frustrated on social media, to becoming the hunted and not the hunter? Sound good? Learn more at If your upline is telling you to just get more followers, that is NOT the solution. If your upline is telling you just to copy, paste and DM everyone you know  - that IS a problem.     That’s why we are spending time today on the topic of spa