

If money could talk, what would it say to you and about you? Money - a struggle in some way for many. It sure was for me for years. You may want to grab a paper and pen or your journal as I have some exercises to assist you in reframing the word and your thoughts, actions about money. Show notes: I’d like to invite you into a new way of looking at money. Your thoughts about money. Your relationship with money. How you treat money. Imagine for a moment that money is a person. And, could talk... Do you know this person… Do you know money well… Have you just met money…. What feelings do you have toward this person called “money….” Do you embrace money? Do you complain to and about money…. Do you ever use the word “enough” when conversing about money to someone else… To yourself… In your thoughts…. Follow me on Insight Timer for more - @jackieulmer over there. It would mean a lot if you subscribe to the podca