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[MMM29] Answering the Pyramid Scheme Question in Network Marketing



I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by Is this one of those Pyramid Schemes? Ever heard that? Or feared hearing it? Why do people say this, and even more important, why do we fear it? Run from it? Tolerate it? Do you know what the best response is to that question? There are two, really. The first is to simply ASK - what do you mean by a pyramid scheme? Then shut up. I mean it - close your mouth and wait, as long as it takes, for an answer. If the response is something negative, here are two responses - First, you could say - do you really think I would get involved with something like that, and then share it with others? And, again, just listen. Or, you can SAY - wow, that is way too smart for me to put something like that together. And, again, wait and see what comes next. The most important thing you can do is keep your posture. Stay strong and in control. Pretty soon you’ll find you never hear that question anymore. I never do. Funny how when you b