

Fears, we all have them. What if we could make friends with and release our fears, in our network marketing business and in life. Fear is not something we ever eliminate completely from our lives. We simply learn to expect it. It’s normal. Accept it. We can’t change it. And push through those fears. To push through fears, we must first realize a few key things. Most fear is not real; at least not at this moment; it has no power over us, unless we choose for it to; and it is possible to work with it in our minds to reduce it dramatically. This guided visualization will provide a tool for you to do this with any fear you have. Show notes:  It would mean a lot if you subscribe to the podcast and leave a 5 star rating & review. This shares the show with other people to listen and we grow as a community. The bigger we grow, the more impact we have on the world, and grow home business. To subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on iTunes, visit https://