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[MMM25] Are You Arguing for Your Limitations or Possibilities?



I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by     We all have 2 things - limitations and possibilities.   It’s a given, no sense trying to change it.   Here is what we can change though, and must if we want to move forward…to succeed….to master our goals.   We have to look deeper into both words and sort them out in our own lives, and within our own skill sets.   I hear things like this all of the time:   I’m stuck.   I don’t understand technology.   It’s like a foreign language.   I don’t know how.   I can’t.   Here’s something to ponder -   Whatever it is that has you feeling stuck - do you know anyone anywhere who may have felt this way and then got unstuck?   Anyone anywhere who didn’t understand technology but then figured it out?   Anyone anywhere who learned a foreign language?   Found the answer to “I don’t know?”   Stopped saying I can’t and figured out how they could?   Think of every baby ever born - including you.   They are born completely helple