

We have a tendency to think that our goal in our business is to sign up, convince, or convert everyone we know and talk to into our business or products.   Not so.   That is dangerous thinking, honestly and will set you up for quitting.   Here is the reality:   Our goal is to meet people; share what we do, make an offer,   An offer is NOT always buying or trying your product or the business. It could be referrals; support in general.   Sharing what we do means sorting. Not everyone will be right. Could you sell a side of beef to a vegetarian? Not likely.   Would you spend time trying? Not likely.   It is the same in your business.   Sort, don’t sell. Sorting starts with knowing who your ideal client is; what their pain point is; and the solution you provide.   Get very clear on these things. Write them down. Memorize them and know how to speak that language.   Once you’ve sorted and have determined that you have someone who may be potentially right for the products or business; now you can share more.   Not s