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[MMM23] Why does writing content seem like such a struggle



Has this ever happened to you? You stare at your screen and keyboard for an hour, spinning your wheels, trying to figure out what to write on your social media.   You keep hearing - add value…. what the heck is value, anyway?   You think, write, edit, delete, and repeat the process.   You know it’s gotta be done, writing content for social media. but what? What that doesn’t just fill dead space and get nothing back   It seems so overwhelming and time consuming.   Content calendars; prompts - none of that is working and it looks like everyone else’s stuff.   Boring and generic.   Copy and pasting from other company leaders feels awkward, because it doesn’t sound like you, and you feel like a fake.   Writing good content is about selling you…your story…and your value. Not your products or opportunity.   Expressing yourself is how to attract an audience; it’s how to get people to know you…become interested…like you….trust you…buy from you or sign up with you.   The story you are telling yourself is what keeps yo