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[MMM20] Where Do You Find Prospects Who Are In The Looking Zone?



How do I find people for my Network Marketing business? How do I share what I am doing in a way that feels authentic and not "salesy?" These are two questions I had myself; and now have answered for decades!  My short answer - you don't find them; you let them find YOU. And, here is how! In 1999, after attending an internet seminar, I saw some genuine potential in using online methods as a tool to "reverse roles" and allow those people who were interested in a home business to find me, and let me know they wanted to know more.  So, I decided to give this “Internet thingie” a go, and build a web presence, and ultimately a business online.  Lots of people lined up to tell me I was crazy; I wouldn’t be successful; it couldn’t be done. I calmly put my blinders and ear muffs on and got busy proving them wrong.  Once I was successful, people started saying I got “lucky” because I had an early start; that it was easier “back then.” Then, I was asked what I would do if the internet went away; how would I stay in busi