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[MMM19] What's Stopping You From a Million Dollar Network Marketing Business



Here’s what my clients tell me, and I get it. Almost on the daily, they stare at their screen, spinning their wheels trying to figure out what to share on social media to create SOMETHING - a like, a comment, some interest, a Direct Message, maybe, and wow, a sale or signup would be nice. Right? Is this you? You ponder, write, edit, delete, and repeat. And nothing ever gets out there. Or, at least not consistently and not content that pulls people to you. And, you HATE how overwhelming and time consuming it is for you. You’ve purchased content calendars to give you prompts, and you start, then stop because it's starting to feel so…forced, so generic, so stale, even. You’ve probably even fallen into the trap of copying someone else’s content, maybe your upline or someone in your company, because it worked for them; it inspired you, so…. But, you didn’t get the same results. And frankly, you are exhausted trying to come up with your own clever words. Here’s what I want you to know and HEAR from me - it’s not be