

Social media isn’t selling. It requires you to be SOCIAL. Posting with the “Spray and Pray” process does NOT work. Do you know the best way to get others interested in you? Be interested in them. TRULY engaged and interested. Are you liking, and more importantly commenting in an engaging way, and having real conversations with people you enjoy talking to; and who might be a perfect fit for you. Be real, be you, and don’t be graspy and loaded with an agenda in your conversations. Just connect and get to know people. Pick 10 people a day to engage with. Track it. Be consistent. They will begin to see your posts. This is how the algorithm works. Engage with them first. Get on their radar as well as Instagram or Facebook. Try it for a month and let me know how it goes. I’m pretty sure I already know the answer! I’m Jackie Ulmer, and this is your Monday Motivation minute. Learn more about me at