

Ready to kick 2020 to the curb? Have much more in 2021. So, let’s do it. 1st, Create a crystal clear vision for your business and the lifestyle you want to create through your business. The "why" is the most important part of the whole equation. It doesn’t matter what type of entrepreneur you study - real estate, internet marketer, network marketer, inventor, author/speaker - and so on - the key elements to success are the same.  2nd, know your plan - Write out your daily marketing plan and do it. Take steps daily, and invest in your education, refuse to quit. You need a way to connect with new people daily; share what you do in a way that connects with them and does not spam them. 3rd, Uncover hidden challenges that are holding you back - this is where you must get very clear, very authentic and very committed to removing these roadblocks. It starts with realizing and acknowledging that NO ONE holds you back but YOU. -Push past your fear and do things that move you out of your comfort zone. What you focus on