

2020…it’s been a “thing”, hasn’t it? And not just one thing, but many many things. Plenty of good, bad and ugly. And, while most of us are ready for the clock to strike midnight on 12/31 and have instant change. Probably not going to happen like that. So,  let’s talk about reframing how we look back and look forward. I’m Jackie Ulmer.  I help Network Marketers make money, without annoying their family and friends, and build a thriving social selling business. We do all of this together in the Street Smart Wealth Academy. Learn more at We’re living through something that has never before occurred, on a global basis. Think about it; except for some remote civilizations in Africa, Australia, and elsewhere, we all wake up with one common thought daily - what’s new with Covid and what does it mean for me? I’d like to share a little of my experience these past few months, and see if any of it strikes a chord with you. For the most part, my life has been unaffected. I’ve been preparing f