

What is graspy energy vs certain energy in your business? We give off energy and when you are feeling desperate, or graspy, vs certain, calm and cool, your prospect feels it. Show notes - My client, Sarah asks - I can’t seem to get anyone interested in my business. Why am I not signing up more people? I am committed, consistent and yet I talk to people and nothing happens. I asked some questions via email to get to the heart of this. And, looked at some of her social media content. Language matters. Phrases and words like - Get, BUY my stuff, no one, everyone, can’t, join my team. Graspy, urgent energy is rushed. Frantic, almost. Goal focused, and mostly focused on oneself. Certain energy is calm, poised, solutions oriented and detached from the outcome. What is the energy you are going into a situation with? A conversation? A social media post? An email? Creating a product. Creating results its best when it is easy, effortless an