

Network Marketing success requires Accountability for 80% of those in the business. That’s because 80% lack the internal motivation to get the job done. It doesn’t mean you are bad if you fall in that 80%. It just means you have to push yourself harder. A vision board that clearly paints the picture of your goals and desires is also a great accountability tool. Just spend 5 minutes each day going through the photos and what’s on the board and imagine when it’s done. FEEL what that will be like. If that’s not enough, consider getting an accountability buddy. Someone who will push you and keep you accountable. And, you will do the same for them. I don’t recommend anyone upline or downline. It needs to be someone you know well, but have no financial connection to. Set your goals together and set your commitments to your business and to each other. Check in as much as you both need and commit to, and make it short, sweet and focused. Don’t let it be a whining or excuses session. What you intended to do, what you