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[MMM7] How to Ask People to Join Your Network Marketing Business



Asking for the sale and the close can be challenging if you aren’t skilled at it. Notice I said “skilled.” This means it can be learned. I struggled for a long time until I learned the right technique. First, know who you ideal client is and more specifically, know their greatest challenge or the problem they want solved. This is where so many in network marketing make a mistake. They assume everyone is their audience. And, while this might be true, especially in the online world - when you speak to everyone, you speak to no one. People don’t always like to be sold, but they do like to be included. They want to be part of something. They want to belong and they want their problem solved. Do you know how to share this? Are you sharing it regularly? Are you comfortable and confident with good success language to invite them into your inner circle, in a way that makes it a no brainer for them? I have sponsored over 2500 people into my network marketing business and I did it all without ever feeling uncomfortable