

We all have a money blueprint and it’s mostly inherited from how we grew up. We aren’t taught entrepreneurship or much of anything when it comes to money. It controls everything about money in your life.   We are taught to go to college, get a degree, get a job and then do your best.   Money is hard to talk about; and yet when you own the story from the past, you can write the story for your future, intentionally.  Some of our beliefs about money stem from religious programming.   Show notes - Words to be aware of -   Money - what thought comes up? Feelings? Where do you feel it in your body?   Thoughts are the language of the brain; feelings are the language of the body.   What thoughts and feelings do you have around:   Rich People Poor people Money is hard Money is the root of all evil There is not enough money Deserving money Worthy of money   Money doesn’t change who you are; it only improves your ability to make a difference when yo