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SSW368 Facebook Groups and Your Network Marketing Business Growth



Are Facebook groups really still in effective way to build your tribe develop those clients good that sales team in your network marketing business.   I am Jackie Ulmer owner of and founder of the teaching you the skills to pay the bills in network marketing.   The answer is absolutely yes! Facebook groups are still an amazingly effective way to build your network marketing business when you know how to do it effectively.   First and foremost, the last thing you wanna do is be Sales mode, full of hype or become known as one of “those people” to avoid in those groups. You know exactly what I’m talking about.   There is a tendency with Facebook groups to jump on all the Direct Sales, network marketing, promote your business type of groups.   But why? Is that really where your ideal client hangs out?  These are filled with other direct sales people and other network marketers posting their opportunity and hoping you will click.   Most of the people who are posti