

I am Jackie Ulmer owner of and founder of the teaching you the skills to pay the bills in network marketing.   Today we’re going to deep dive into the topic “how to build a thriving successful network marketing and MLM business during times of crisis.” As I’m filming this, we are five months into the coronavirus, COVID-19, the pandemic of 2020. Here is what I have done in past “tough times” to build my network marketing business. I started my Network Marketing MLM business in 1994. I was a floundering representative for my company; couldn’t get out of my own way; or get over my own fears and inhibitions about what people might think about me in network marketing. I was stubborn and persistent. In October 1999, I went to an Internet marketing seminar; took my MLM business online and have built using the internet for nearly 21 years. It changed everything. 2 years later, 9/11/01 came along and devastated our economy; changed up a lot of things. My husband is an airlin