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SSW363 Is Networking a Bad Business Model? Is MLM a Pyramid?



What are the facts that you should know if you’ve launched or are thinking of launching a business in the Network Marketing Profession.   I was recently in a Facebook group filled with women looking for a way to work from home; to be there with their children; to stave off some health concerns.   And, over and over again, many of these women would say - I DON’T WANT TO DO AN MLM OR NETWORK MARKETING STYLE OF BUSINESS MODEL.   Why? I wondered. I get it. I also thought. And, then had to ask -     Is network marketing a bad business model? Is there something inherently wrong in the structure and operation of MLM?   Or, is it something someone is doing that creates that thought?   If you’ve already launched a network marketing business, you may be having some doubts or some second thoughts. You may be hearing opinions of other people or reading some different things on the Internet that have you thinking is:   Is network marketing a Bad Business Model? Is MLM a Pyramid?   What would make something, including MLM