

We are just beginning the second half of the year so many of us looked forward to - 2020. What happened? Well, we know what happened; the Pandemic; Riots; Chaos and we keep pushing forward. It is my hope that this finds you and yours healthy, happy and ready to thrive moving forward. How to Make the next 6 months your best: We have no control over much of what’s happened, we do have control over our thoughts, our mindset and the actions we take. My question has been “how will I choose to show up as a leader? How will I maintain my focus; my service to others and maintain my business through all of this, while assisting others in also growing and thriving in their business?” How you choose to grow, recover and succeed is your responsibility. There is a very simple method to get out of stuck and into growth and success mode. Let’s create the circumstances that lead us to what we want in our lives. Life is 50/50 - We can argue with reality and lose 100% of the time - Byron Katie. So what is that simple method? N