

Emotional and Business resilience is important to your overall success and peace of mind.   Life gives us lemons 50% of the time. Let’s make lemonade from them.   We count on that superstar in Network Marketing, and then they don’t join or quit. Someone laughs at our decision.   Real Estate can be the same - EVERYONE seems to have their Real Estate license.   We must learn to stand out, get noticed, get the sale.   First, we must learn to navigate life’s challenges.   This week has been a whirlwind.   My son and his wife welcomed their first child and our first grandchild into the world. So excite to meet this new little bundle.   Less than 24 hours later, a devastating tornado blew through Nashville, Tennessee, literally right next door to my daughter’s apartment.   She is fine, but the aftermath and going through something like that alone, in the darkness is rattling. And, the power is out all over the city.   Not to mention that she is not feeling well, and about to have her tonsils removed.   She took me