

Everything is figure-outable - Marie Forleo   We can spend way too much time getting stuck in thinking we need more knowledge; more answers; more time….   Let’s start with what you know NOW…   What do you know already about your business?   We’ve covered clarity on:   How   Why   What you truly sell   Next, we move to commitment.   We get stuck thinking we “need” to know more in order to even get started, much less to be successful.   But really, we don’t.   We are stuck in fear, procrastination and other emotions and thoughts that are coming up for us.   Right now; what are the fears that hold you back in your business?   Are you afraid someone will ask a question you don’t have the answer to?   How is this holding you back now? Are you in the ditch of your business?   Is it true that you must have the answer to everything?   Do you know how and where to find the answer?   IF, and when you need it?   Are you committed to finding that answer?   We just have thoughts. All day, every day.   Our thoughts derail