

What does commitment mean?   What is your #1 Goal this year?   Is your goal possible?   Do you believe it is probable for you?   If yes or no, your thought must be -   I will figure this out.   THIS is commitment.   I’m willing…I am committed to do whatever it takes to achieve my goal.   How does that thought feel?   What action has to happen for you to get those results? To get that goal?   Look around you. This is what you are currently committed to in your life; business; income; fitness; health; relationships.   Social Proof surrounds you.   Roger Bannister and the 4 minute mile.   Decide what you want.   Decide to commit.   Decide your values.   My 5 F words   Faith Family/Friends Fun Fitness Finance   Yoda and Luke Skywalker - There is no try; there is either do or do not.   Can you be “kinda” committed to faith; or your family….       Get Clear. Find Clarity on each of these.   Get out your calendar and get your values on there; get the actions on there that take you to your goals.   Track your actions