

Have you taken the time to identify, get clear and define the systems that make you successful in your business?   How are you doing with being consistent?   And, what do you do to stay accountable?   Systems are what create a breakthrough around a lot of ways for you in your business.   A system gives you a roadmap to follow, so you know every step of the way where you are; and where each person is; and what the next step is.   McDonald’s is a great example of a company that strives on systems.   In the video and the audio, I share my story of using what I learned about systems to create my own success as a high school student working at McDonald’s in the 80s, and how I won the Saturday lunch sales contest almost every week.   What are your business systems?   Get clarity on this so you have a more simple system.   What are you selling?   Then, define those systems and for me, 3 primary things are part of my systems:   Meeting People - this is ALWAYS step one. Who and how many people am I adding to my databa