

Welcome to one of the most powerful shows of the year, where we close out the year, and in this case, the decade as well, and prepare to really rock the new year and decade coming. Show note are at  On the last show, we discussed choosing your focus word -  I've learned how to bring each year together to make them build on each other. Focus word from prior years -   2018 - Systemize - this was all about getting systems in place so my business flows smoothly and I know what step to be taking with each person I meet; who enters my marketing funnel; and who I am building a relationship with. 2019 - Mastering Practice - what are the key few things that must be practiced consistently to move me forward in all areas of my life? 2020 - Accomplished - my plan is to start each day planning what is required daily for me to check the accomplished box on where my focus us for that day at the end of the day.   I spent the year 2018 getting the right systems i