

Focus Word 2020 - How to Choose it and Use It for its highest effectiveness in achieving your goals. - Focus Word 2020 How to Choose it and Use It for its highest effectiveness in achieving your goals. Here are some ideas:   Choose intentionally. Don't just pick a word because you heard someone else using it; or because it's trendy. Reflect on your past year; what worked and didn't work; and your intentions and goals for the next year, 2020.   What is a word or phrase that will support you in those goals?   Once you've chosen your word, reflect on it first thing each morning and last thing at night and measure your plans and "to do" list for the day and then do a check in on whether your actions for the day were in alignment before you end the day.   Set your marketing plans and calendar up to use this word as much as possible.   I have my 5 Favorite F Words -   Faith Family/Friends Fun Fitness Finance   These are the 5 areas of my life that are my priorities and focus.   My wor