

I’m Jackie Ulmer and Welcome to the Street Smart Wealth Experience, show # 346, and Happy Thanksgiving!   You’ll find the show notes at -     It’s thanksgiving here in the US, and I wanted to be in your ears today! and while that may not apply where you are, every day is a day for thanksgiving, and gratitude and let me start by saying how grateful I am that you are here, and listening in now! I appreciate you.     Thanksgiving, as an acronym and how it applies to our lives and business. Thoughts, feelings and emotions that are important to our personal and professional success.     So, first we have -   T - Time - Time is our most precious commodity. WE can’t get more. We all have the same 24 hours. How will you spend it? Prioritize it? Cherish it? Who will you give it to? And, how to stop stressing over not enough time and realize that you have all of the time you need, when you master productivity and prioritizing.     H - Heart - and Happiness. Lead with your heart, always, in life