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The Importance of Customer in Your Network Marketing Business



I’m Jackie Ulmer and I coach Network Marketers and entrepreneurs on how to be the success they want to be; make more money and not annoy their family and friends.   Learn more at   Also, are you in my facebook group?   There are some very distinct differences (and similarities) to Party Plan and Network Marketing.   I use the term network marketing most broadly, but I coach and train as many party plan people as pure network marketers.   Both could learn a LOT from the business model of the other. Especially when it comes to customers.   So, let’s talk about Your Product Customers in Network Marketing, and how very important they are to the lifeblood and longevity of your business.   What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   Why Customers Matter Sharing the Product Story Customer Success Language Handling Questions Servicing Your Customers Staying Top of Mind     Why Customers Matter   Every business needs customers. Party Plan gets this and it is their #1 goal