

x Let’s talk about Asking the Right Questions in Network Marketing (and any business)   What You’ll Learn:   Questions of Yourself Questions About Action Steps Questions of Your Prospects Questions for Your Team   Let’s deep dive in, shall we?     Questions of Yourself   Why? It really does always start with the why…   Why did you look for a business? What interested you even if you weren’t looking?   Why did your business appeal to you?   What were your initial goals?   Have you achieved them?   Why or why not?   Are you where you thought you would be?   Why or why not?   If you were to rate yourself on a scale of 1-10, where do you call in terms of success?   Commitment?   Consistency?   And, again, WHY, for each of these?   When we can get really clear on ourselves, and understand and accept that WE and we alone are responsible for where we are in our lives and business.   What’s your belief level about your ability to be successful?   Asking, answering and being aware of this area of your business is your